Hardware Information
3-226 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
The following table shows the +MMAD parameters.
Messages AT+MMAD=<Conver
*. Average calculation
is not active :
*. Average calculation
is active:
<Converted_Value> OK
<Converter_number>, <Average>
If <Report> value is - 3,
the report will be generated
according to report interval
value. If <Report interval>
value was not set, there
will be no messages but
you can ask for solicited
Table 3-145: +MMAD Parameters
<Parameter> Description Range/Remark
Number> 1-5 Select the A2D converter.
<Report> 0 Unsolicited report is not active/ stop unsolicited
report and deactivate +MMAD operation.
1 Unsolicited report in active for all A2D conversion
2 Unsolicited report is active only for out off
boundaries events.
3 "Average report" - send periodic average.
Optional for Average
<Rate> 1-255 Select the time interval between two samples.
100 milliseconds - in case of average computation,
Seconds - in case of A/D sampling only.
100 milliseconds - for
seconds - Otherwise.
Mandatory for Average
<low>,<High> 0-450 A decimal value represents the digital value.
Low - The lowest boundary level of digital value.
High - The Highest boundary level of digital value.
Default value for converters 1-3 is 230.
Default value for converter 4 is 0-255.
Default value for converters 1-3 is 300-450.
Value> A decimal value represents the returned digital value.
For converters 1-3 and 5 the returned value represent the
input level multiplied by 100.
For converter 4 the returned value is a pure number that
should be converted according to conversion table
(Table3-146) and Figure 3-2.
ples> 2-255 The number of samples that are used for average
calculation. Mandatory for Average
Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks