Chapter 4: Using the Commands
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 4 -35
+MFOTAREQ: 3 // Install package request
AT+MFOTARSP=0 // Confirm the install process
+MFOTAIND: 40, 19 // Update has started indication
// During the Update process, the phone will be in flash-mode. The update process is supposed to take a few
FOTA Command for Automatic Mode (Transparent Mode)
In automatic/transparent mode, FOTA process include SW Upgrade without any user interaction.
In this case any +FOTREQ operational reports will not be sent toward DTE.
By setting AT+MFOTIND, the user can still get an indication on DTE.
The default mode is the transparent mode.
AT+MFOTACNFG? // Get the FOTA DM session mode
+MFOTACNFG: 0 // Mode is transparent
AT+MFOTACNFG=1 // Change the FOTA DM session mode to Non-Automatic
AT+MFOTACNFG? ? // Get the FOTA DM session mode
+MFOTACNFG: 1 // Mode was set to non- transparent