AT Commands Alphabetical Summary
A-18 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
+MPING This command will allow
verifying IP connectivity to
another remote machine
(computer) by sending one or
more Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request
Page 3-413
+MPINGSTAT This is the unsolicited response
that the G24 sends to the terminal
to inform of ping execution status
update and provides summary
statistics of ping request when
ping request execution is
Page 3-417
+MPSU This command defines the
functionality of the second
physical UART.
Page 3-216
+MRICS This command allows
configuring the behavior of RI
line in a case of SMS arrival.
Page 3-143
+MRST This command enables customer
software to perform a hard reset
to the G24 unit.
Page 3-212
+MSCTS This command defines the
behavior of the CTS line when
the G24 is in Sleep mode.
Page 3-295
+MSDNS This command set/read DNS IP
address for each socket. Page3-420
+MTCTS This command sets the CTS pin
of the RS232 to not active (high),
waits one second and then returns
the CTS to active (low).
Page 3-203
+MTDTR This command checks and
outputs the physical current
status of the DTR pin of the
Page 3-202
+MTKC This unsolicited event notifies the
terminal when supplementary
services, SMS Control or Call
Control are modified.
Page 3-392
+MTKE This command enables/disables
the SIM ToolKit functionalities. Page 3-374
+MTKM This is both a command and an
unsolicited event. The command
selects items from the menu.
Page 3-390
Table A-1: AT Commands (Alphabetical) (Cont.)
AT Command Description Page