3-390 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
+MTKM, Motorola ToolKit Menu

The following table shows the +MTKM parameters.

vi Vietnamese
vo Volapuk
wo Wolof
xh Xhosa
yi Yiddish
yo Yoruba
za Zhuang
zh Chinese
zu Zulu
Command Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Execute AT+MTKM +MTKM: <Alpha Identifier
+MTKM: <Idx1>, <NoOfItems>,
<Alpha Idx1>, <Help Info>
[<CR><LF>+MTKM: <Idx2>,
<NoOfItems>, <Alpha Idx2>,
<Help Info>
This command is sent
when the customer
application wants to see
the SIM Toolkit Main
Note: This command
invokes only the main
send invocation of the
Main menu. (Can be in
any state or submenu.)
Set AT+MTKM=<Cmd
Type>[,<ItemId>] OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command is
issued when the user
wants to select an item
from the menu.

Table 3-259:+MTKM Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<CmdType> 0 Session terminated
1 Item selected
2 Help information request
<ItemId> Item identifier of the selected item.
Table 3-258:Sample Language Codes (Cont.)
Code Language