3-364 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008


The SIM Application Toolkit (STK) is a set of applications and related procedures, which may be
used in conjunction with SIM or Smart Cards during a GSM session. The STK provides
mechanisms that enable applications existing in the SIM to interact and operate with any ME
(such as the G24) that support these mechanisms.
The following scheme shows the SIM Toolkit functionality commands and unsolicited results
that are implemented. All these commands are non-basic commands.
Figure 3-14: SIM Toolkit
In the first step, the customer application informs the G24 module that it wants all features to
be supported. This operation is performed using the AT+MTKE (Motorola ToolKit Enable)
command, which allows activating or deactivating the SIM Toolkit functionality.
In the second step, an unsolicited result +MTKP (Motorola ToolKit Proactive) is sent by the
G24 in order to indicate the customer application, command type the SIM Application
Toolkit is running on the SIM card, and the relevant information.
In the third step, the customer application uses the AT+MTKP command to respond to the
SIM ToolKit command, given by +MTKP.
CustomerApplication G24
SIM sends pro-active command
User response to the SIM