Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 3-335
The following table shows the +CGQMIN parameters.
Read AT+CGQMIN? +CGQMIN: <cid>, <precedence>,
<cid>, <precedence>,<delay>,
<reliability.>, <peak>, <mean>[...]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Read command
returns the current
settings for each defined
Test AT+CGQMIN=? +CGQMIN: <PDP_type>, (list of
supported <precedence>s), (list of
supported <delay>s), (list of
supported <reliability>s), (list of
supported <peak>s), (list of
supported <mean>s)
<PDP_type>, (list of supported
<precedence>s), (list of supported
<delay>s), (list of supported
<reliability>s), (list of supported
<peak>s), (list of supported
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Test command
returns the parameter
value ranges for each
Table 3-218: +CGQMIN Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<cid> A numeric parameter that specifies a particular PDP context definition. The value is
from 1 to 3.
<precedence> A numeric parameter that specifies the precedence class.
<delay> A numeric parameter that specifies the delay class.
<reliability> A numeric parameter that specifies the reliability class.
<peak> A numeric parameter that specifies the peak throughput class.
<mean> A numeric parameter that specifies the mean throughput class.
Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks