AT Commands Summary
1-24 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 20 08
+CPBF This command searches the currently active phone book for a
particular entry, by name. Page 3-75
+CPBW This command stores a new entry in the phone book, or deletes an
existing entry from the phone book. Page 3-76
+CSVM This command handles the selection of the number to the voice mail
server. Page 3-77
+MPDPM This command returns the collective percentage of memory used by
the phonebook and datebook in their shared dynamic memory
Page 3-85
Directory Access Commands - Date Book
+MALARM This unsolicited event is sent to the terminal indicating a reminder is
activated. Page 3-86
+MALMH This command terminates the current reminder. Page 3-87
+MDBGD This command sets general definitions for date book. Page3-88
+MDBR This command recalls date book entries from a specific entry
number, or from a range of entries. Page 3-89
+MDBW This command stores a new entry in the phone book, or updates an
existing entry from the date book. Page3-91
+MDBWE This command deletes an existing entry from date book and adds or
deletes exception instance of an existing entry from date book. Page 3-93
System Date and Time Access Commands
+CCLK This command reads/sets the G24's current date and time settings. Page3-96
SMS Commands
+CSMS This command handles the selection of the SMS message service
type. Page 3-98
+CPMS This command handles the selection of the preferred storage area for
messages. Page 3-99
+CMGF This command handles the selection of message formats. Page 3-1 01
+CSCA This command handles the selection of the SCA and the TOSCA. Page 3-101
+CSMP This command sets the Text Module parameters. Page 3-104
+CSDH This command shows the Text Mode parameters. Page 3-106
+CNMI This command sends an unsolicited indication when a new SMS
message is received by the G24. Page 3-107
+CNMA This command acknowledges the receipt of a +CMT response. Page3-108
+CMTI This unsolicited message, including the SMS message index, is sent
upon the arrival of an SMS message. Page 3-110
Table 1-1:AT Commands (Cont.)
AT Com man d Description Page