Acr & Abbr-2 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
DDA Destination Address
DDCD Data Carrier Detect
DDCE Data Communication Equipment (G24)
DDCSs Data Coding Schemas
DDLC Data Link Connection
DDLC0 The multiplexer control channel.
DDLCI Data Link Connection Identifier
DDSP Digital Signal Processor
DDSR Data Set Ready
DDSR MGOM is ON and ready to communicate with the DTE device.
DDT Discharge Time
DDTE Data Terminal Equipment (such as terminals, PCs and so on). Also called Application
Processor (AP).
DDTMF Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency
DDTR Data Terminal Ready
EEF Elementary Files
EEONS Enhanced Operator Name String
EERM Error Recovery Mode
EESC Exit to Command Mode from Data Mode (usually the +++ sequence)
EETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
FFCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)
FFO First Octet
FFTA Full Type Approval
GGCF GSM Certification Forum
GGGSN Gate GPRS Support Node
GGPIO General Purpose Input/Output
GGPRS General Packet Radio Service
GGR232CFG The real RS232 HW lines configuration (in PREMUX).
GGRLC General RS232 Logical Channel - This channel can handle the 07.07/07.05 AT command
set (CSD, FAX, GPRS, Voice, Network AT, and so on.)
GGSM Global System for Mobile Communications
Abbreviation Full Name