Modem Configuration and Profile
3-282 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008

The following table shows the Qn parameters.

Q: 0
ATQ1 //No response because result codes are suppressed.
ATQ4 //No response because result codes are suppressed.
E, Command Echo

This command defines whether input characters are echoed to output. If so, these characters are

echoed at the same rate, parity and format at which they were received.

The following table shows the E parameters.

Table 3-184:Qn Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<value> 0 Transmit result codes.
1 Suppress result codes.
The default value is 0.
Command Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Set ATE<value> OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command sets whether or not
to echo characters.
Read ATE? <current value> The Read command reads the current
setting for command echo.
Test The Test command for E is not defined
by ITU, and therefore is not supported
by the G24. The G24 returns an error.

Table 3-185:En Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<value> 0 Does not echo characters
1 Echoes characters
The default value is 0.