Fax Class 1
3-434 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
The following table shows the +FRS parameters.
OK //The G24 sends the OK after silence for 10*50 milliseconds
+FTM, Transmit Data
This command causes the G24 to transmit data to the remote party using the modulation selected
in <MOD>. The G24 sends the data stream received from the terminal without any framing.
Transmission Using the Transparent Data Command
The DLE character, (0x10), is used as a special character to precede command characters. The
character pairs <DLE><command> are used to convey commands or status information between
the terminal and the G24.
Terminal to G24 streams (Encoding)
When the terminal needs to send a <DLE> character in the data stream, it sends two
sequential <DLE> characters to the G24.
When the terminal needs to send two sequential <DLE> characters in the data stream, it
sends the <DLE><SUB> characters instead.
When the terminal sends the terminator sequence <DLE> <ETX>, the data stream is
G24 to terminal streams (Decoding):
The terminal decodes the input stream and removes all character pairs beginning with
The terminal recognizes <DLE><ETX> as the data stream terminator.
The terminal recognizes and replaces <DLE><DLE> by a single <DLE> in the data stream.
The terminal recognizes and replaces <DLE><SUB> by a single <DLE><DLE> in the data
When the G24 receives the +FTM command, it immediately returns an OK result code. When the
terminal receives the OK from the G24, it can start sending the data stream using the transparent
data command encoding. When the G24 decodes the terminating sequence, it returns a
Table 3-285: +FRS Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<Time> The duration of the silence, in 10 millisecond intervals.
0-255 Number of milliseconds.