Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 3-415
The following table shows the +MPING command parameters.Table 3-275: +MPING Command Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<mode> 0 - Abort current ping request execution.
1 - Launch new ping request.
There is no default value - appropriate ERROR will be
displayed if parameter is not supplied.
<"Destination IP/hostname"> Specifies the target machine (computer), which is
identified either by IP address 4 octets long in dotted
decimal notation or by host name of maximum 255 (not
including double quotes) characters long in dotted
notation. Each octet of IP address has valid value range
of 0 to 255. Host names are not case sensitive and can
contain alphabetic or numeric letters or the hyphen.
There is no default value - appropriate ERROR will be
displayed if parameter is not supplied.
<count> Specifies a number of Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request messages to send. Valid
value range is from 1 to 255.
Default value: 4
<size> Specifies the length, in bytes, of the Data field in the
Echo Request messages sent. The minimum size is 0.
The maximum size is 1372.
Default value: 32
<TTL> Time To Live (TTL). Specifies number of hops (hop is
one step, from one router to the next, on the path of a
datagram on an IP network), which the Echo Request
message may be routed over. The value is set by using
TTL field in IP header. Valid value range is from 1 to
Default value: 64
<TOS> The Type Of Service (TOS) is for internet service
quality selection. The type of service is specified along
the abstract parameters precedence, delay, throughput,
and reliability. These abstract parameters are to be
mapped into the actual service parameters of the
particular networks the datagram traverses. Minimum
and maximum values for TOS are 0 and 255
respectively. Refer to RFC 791 and RFC 2474 which
obsoletes RFC 791 for TOS defined values.
Default value: 0
<TimeOut> Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait
for the Echo Reply message that corresponds to a sent
Echo Request message, measured after Echo Request
message was sent. If the Echo Reply message is not
received within the time-out, +MPINGSTAT
unsolicited response, with <status> equal to 1, will be
sent to DTE. Valid value range is from 500 ms to
600,000 ms (10 minutes).
Default value: 4000