3-342 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008
+CGACT, PDP Context Activate or Deactivate

This command activates/deactivates the specified PDP context(s).

The following table shows the +CGACT parameters.

Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Set AT+CGACT=[<state>
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command
activates/deactivates the specified PDP
context(s). When the command is
completed, the ME remains in V.25
command state. If any PDP context is
already in the requested state, the state
for that context remains unchanged. If
the requested state for any specified
context cannot be achieved, an
ERROR or +CME ERROR response is
returned. Extended error responses are
enabled by the +CMEE command. If
the ME is not GPRS-attached when the
activation form of the command is
executed, the ME first performs a
GPRS attach and them attempts to
activate the specified contexts. If the
attach fails, the ME responds with an
ERROR or, if extended error responses
are enabled, with the appropriate
failure-to-attach error message.
Read AT+CGACT? +CGACT: <cid>,
<cid>, <state>
<cid>, <state>
The Read command returns the current
activation states for all the defined
PDP contexts.
Test AT+CGACT=? +CGACT: (list of
supported <state>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Test command requests
information on the supported PDP
context activation states.

Table 3-223:+CGACT Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<state> Indicates the activation state of the context:
0 Non-active
1 Active
<cid> 1-3 A numeric parameter that specifies a particular PDP context definition