Chapter 1: Product Features
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 1 -29
+EMPC This command unlocks or resets the first PLMN of the
inserted SIM. Page 3-267
FOTA Commands
GThis command sets the Web-Session default entry. Page 3-270
+MFOTACNFG This command enables setting the DM session as
Automatic/Non-Automatic (i.e. Transparent/Non-Transparent). Page3-272
+MFOTAREQ This command sends FOTA requests toward DTE. Page 3-273
+MFOTARSP This command is used to send response to +MFOTAREQ reports. Page 3-274
+MFOTAINSTL Installs the updated package. Page 3-275
TAborts the DM session. Page 3-276
+MFOTAIND This command sends Unsolicited FOTA indications toward DTE. Page 3-276
+MFOTABS Init OTA bootstrap definition. Page3-278
Modem Configuration and Profile
Modem Register Commands
VThis command determines the response format of the data adapter
and the contents of the header and trailer transmitted with the result
codes and information responses.
Page 3-280
QThis command determines whether to output/suppress the result
codes. Page 3-281
EThis command defines whether the G24 echoes the characters
received from the user, (whether input characters are echoed to
Page 3-282
XThis command defines the data adaptor response set, and the
CONNECT result code format. Page3-283
Sn This command reads/writes values of the S-registers, and includes
registers 1-49, 94, 96 (Audio) and 102 (Sleep mode). Page 3-284
\S This command displays the status of selected commands and
S-registers. Page 3-287
\G This command sets the use of the software flow control. Page 3-287
\J This command adjusts the terminal auto rate. Page3-287
\N This command displays the type of link. Page 3-287
?This command displays the most recently updated value stored in
the S-register. Page 3-288
&F This command restores the factory default configuration profile. Page 3-288
ZThis command resets the default configuration. Page 3-289
Sleep Mode Commands
Table 1-1:AT Commands (Cont.)
AT Com man d Description Page