Software Procedures Related to RS232 HW Lines
B-10 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008

MUX Service Test

Includes MSC, FC, and so on (all to control channel). For the following service functions, refer to
Figure B-1
1. Void ts_0710_send_CLD_cmd (DLC_CMD_OR_RESP type).
2. Void ts_0710_send_test_req (BYTE* test_DATA, WORD test_DATA_length).
3. Void ts_0710_send_Channel_DTR_status (BYTE DTR_Signal, BYTE dlc).
4. Void ts_0710_send_test_req (BYTE* test_DATA, WORD test_DATA_length).
MUX Open Service
To open the MUX service:
1. Send the AT+CMUX command to the G24 for initiation of the GSM 27.010 protocol.
2. Wait for the OK response.
3. Open the MUX within ten seconds (otherwise, the G24 will exit the MUX mode and revert
back to PREMUX state).
A maximum of five channels can be opened: One channel for control, and four channels for
information. Currently there is no service type limitation regarding the information channels.
That is, AT commands, GPRS, Voice, Data, and Fax services can go through each of the
information channels when only one simultaneous session/call can be established. AT commands
from all channels are always allowed.
A minimum of two channels must be opened: The control channel, and data channel.
MUX Close Service
To close the MUX service:
1. Close all CSD/GPRS connections.
2. Close all data channels (DLC - DLC4).
3. Close MUX, or channel 0 (DLC0), or toggle the hardware DTR signal (to be implemented in
future releases).
Data Transfer
After all the MUX channels are opened, the user can send and receive data over the four virtual
channels (Channels 1 to 4). The user can also send and receive MUX command data on the
control channel (DLC0), as when testing for an echo.