Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
June 30, 2008 AT Commands Reference Manual 3-237
G24 supports both analog and digital audio. Digital audio is supported in both basic and advanced
audio setups. Switching between analog and digital audio modes is done by AT+MADIGITAL
command. The default state is analog.
Figure 3-6: Analog/Digital Switching
General Audio Commands
The following audio commands can be used in both Basic and Advanced audio modes.
General audio commands are: +CRTT, +VTD, +VTS, +CALM, +MMICG, +MADIGITAL.
Basic Audio Setup Commands
+CRSL, Call Ringer Level
This command handles the selection of the incoming call ringer and alert tone (SMS) sound level
on the alert speaker of the G24. The new value remains after power cycle. This command has no
affect on digital audio mode.
Command Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
Set +CRSL=<level> OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command sets the call ringer
and alert (SMS) level.
Read +CRSL? +CRSL: <level>
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Read command displays the
current ringer alert (SMS) sound level
Test +CRSL=? +CRSL: (list of
supported <level>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Test command displays the list of
supported sound level settings.


Power Up
