3-426 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008

The following table shows the +MIPCFF parameters.

Table 3-280:+MIPCFF Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<Socket_id> A unique number that identifies a connection.
Valid socket numbers - 1, 2, 3 and 4
<CmdType> Type of operation.
Supported types:
0 - Disable filtering.
1 - Enable filtering.
2 - Add IP to white list.
3 - Remove IP from white list.
4 - Clear IP white list.
<IP CIDR> IP address according to Classless Inter-Domain Routing
(CIDR) schema as follow:
IP address / fixed bit A where:
IP address is an IP address in format
"AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD". The range of each octet is
0-255. Value can be written in 1, 2 or 3 digits.
Fixed bit A indicates the number of most significant
bits that must be considered fixed in the IP address. The
range is 1 - 32. Value can be written in 1 or 2 digits.
The module will accept IP connection only if the
remote IP contains the initial fixed bits specified in the
IP address.
<Status> Status of the socket filtering feature.
Supported types:
0 - Disabled.
1 - Enabled.
2 - Feature not applicable - the socket is opened as
client (not as listen) socket.

Notes: The filtering feature can be enabled or disabled for each socket separately. The filtering

feature can be disabled without restrictions. The filtering feature can be enabled only if
white list of selected socket is not empty.
While receiving incoming TCP connection, in case that filtering feature is enabled and
listen socket was opened to listen for any IP address (remote IP specified as ""), it
will check the remote IP and accept connection only if the white list has entry with IP and
number of most significant bits, so the number of most significant bits are identical both in
remote IP address and IP address, stored in white list.
There is a separate white list for each socket. The capacity of each white list is 12 entries.
The white list can be configured (by Add/Remove IP CIDR to/from "white list" or Clear
"white list" commands) only if selected socket is closed and filtering feature is disabled for
this socket.
The filtering feature can be configured without relation whether the PDP context is
activated or not.
While waiting for a connection from specific IP (in +MIPOPEN and +MIPODM
commands remote IP specified not as ""), the filtering feature state will not affect
the incoming connection.
The filtering feature does not affect connections that already established.
At power recycle, the filtering feature is reset. After power up the feature is disabled for all
sockets and white lists are empty for all sockets.