Modem ID
3-8 AT Commands Reference Manual June 30, 2008

Read Command

The following table shows the +CNUM parameters.

+CNUM: "David","035558278",129
AT+CNUM //MSISDNs supported
+CNUM: "PHONENUM1","2173848500",129
+CNUM: "PHONENUM2","2173848501",129
+CNUM: "PHONENUM3","2173848502",129
AT+CNUM //MSISDNs not supported
+CNUM: "Motomix","2233445",129
$, List of All Available AT Commands

This command displays a list of all the AT commands supported by the G24.

Command Response/Action
+CNUM (MSISDN supported) +CNUM: [<MSISDN1
string>],<MSISDN1>,<MSISDN1 type>
string>],<MSISDN2>,<MSISDN2 type>]
+CNUM (MSISDN not supported) +CNUM: <phone_number>

Table 3-3:+CNUM Parameters

<Parameter> Description
<MSISDN type> Phone number type
129 Use for local call
145 Use “+” for international access code
128 Unknown
Command Response/Action
AT$ List of available AT commands