User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
122 Assembler Syntax MOTOROLA
Assembler Syntax
BGND Place in BGND mode
BGT Branch if greater than
BHI Branch if higher
BHS Branch if higher or same
BITA Logical AND accumulator A and memory
BITB Logical AND accumulator B and memory
BLE Branch if less than or equal
BLO Branch if lower (same as BCS)
BLS Branch if lower or same
BLT Branch if less than
BMI Branch if minus
BNE Branch if not equal
BPL Branch if plus
BRA Branch always
BRCLR Branch if bit is clear
BRN Branch never
BRSET Branch if bits are set
BSET Set bits in memory
BSR Branch subroutine
BVC Branch if overflow is cleared
BVS Branch if overflow is set
CALL Call subroutine in extended memory
CBA Compare accumulator A and B
CLC Clear carry bit
CLI Clear interrupt bit
CLR Clear memory
CLRA Clear accumulator A
CLRB Clear accumulator B
Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 2 of 8)Instruction Description