User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
300 Assembler Messages MOTOROLA
Assembler Messages
12.3.61 A12201: Lexical Error in First or Second Field
Type: Error
Description: An incorrect assembly line is detected. This message may be
generated when:
An assembly instruction or directive starts on column 1.
An assembly label on column 1 is not delimited by a colon
An invalid identifier has been detected in the assembly line
label or instruction. Characters allowed as the first character
in an identifier are:
A...Z, a...z, _, .
Characters allowed as the first character in a label,
instruction, or directive name are:
A...Z, a...z, 0...9, _, .
Example: CodeSec: SECTION
LDD #$320
Tips: Depending on why the message was generated, these actions
can be taken:
Insert at least one space in front of the directive or
Insert a semicolon at the end of the label name.
Change the label, directive, or instruction name to a valid
Example: CodeSec: SECTION
LDD #$320