Assembler Directives
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Directives 163
8.2.6 Listing File Control Directives
The directives in Table 8-6 control generation of the assembler listing file.
8.2.7 Macro Control Directives
The directives in Table 8-7 are used for the definition and expansion of macros.
Table 8-6. Assembler List File Directives
Directive Description
CLIST Specifies if all instructions in a conditional assembly block must be
inserted in the listing file or not
LIST Specifies that all subsequent instructions must be inserted in the
listing file
LLEN Defines line length in assembly listing file
MLIST Specifies if macro expansions must be inserted in the listing file
NOLIST All subsequent instructions will not be inserted in the listing file
NOPAGE Disables paging in the assembly listing file
PAGE Inserts page break
PLEN Defines page length in the assembler listing file
SPC Inserts an empty line in the assembly listing file
TABS Definesnumber of characters to insert in the assembler listing file for
a TAB character
TITLE Defines the user-defined title for the assembler listing file
Table 8-7. Macro Directives
Directive Description
ENDM End of user-defined macro
MACRO Start of user-defined macro
MEXIT Exit from macro expansion