Assembler Messages
Message Codes
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Messages 305
12.3.66 A12403: Value Out of Range –256...255
Type: Error
Description: The offset between the current PC and label specified as the PC
relative address is not in the range of a signed 9-bit value
(smaller than –256 or bigger than 255). A 9-bit signed PC
relative offset is expected in these instructions:
Decrement-and-branch instructions: DBEQ, DBNE
Increment-and-branch instructions: IBEQ, INE
Test-and-branch instructions: TBEQ, TBNE
var1: DS.W 1
var2: DS.W 10
LDX #var2
label: LDD var1
CLR 1, X+
dummyBl: DCB.B 260, $A7
DBNE D, label
Tips: Replace the instruction with the following portion of code.
For decrement and branch:
IFCC Condition
DBNE D, label SUBD #1
LBNE label
DBNE A, label DECA
LBNE label
DBNE B, label DECB
LBNE label
DBNE X, label DEX
LBNE label
DBNE Y, label DEY
LBNE label
DBNE S, label DES
LBNE label