User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
170 Assembler Directives MOTOROLA
Assembler Directives
8.7 DC — Define Constant
Syntax: [<label>:] DC [<size>] <expression> [, <expression>]...
<size> = B(default), W, orL.
Description: The DC directive defines constants in memory. It can have one
or more <expression> operands, which are separated by
commas. The <expression> can contain an actual value
(binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, or ASCII). Alternately,
the <expression> can be a symbol or expression that can be
evaluatedby the assembler as an absolute or simple relocatable
expression. One memory block is allocated and initialized for
each expression.
These rules apply to size specifications for DC directives:
DC.B — One byte is allocated for numeric expressions.
One byte is allocated per ASCII character for strings.
DC.W— Two bytes are allocated for numeric expressions.
ASCII strings are right aligned on a 2-byte boundary.
DC.L— Four bytes are allocated for numeric expressions.
ASCII strings are right aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
Example for DC.B:
000000 4142 4344 Label: DC.B "ABCDE"
000004 45
000005 0A0A 010A DC.B %1010, @12, 1, $A
000009 xx DC.B PAGE(Label)
Example for DC.W:
000000 0041 4243 Label: DC.W "ABCDE"
000004 4445
000006 000A 000A DC.W %1010, @12, 1, $A
00000A 0001 000A
00000E xxxx DC.W Label