MASM Compatibility
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA MASM Compatibility 313
A.6 DirectivesTable A-2 lists directives supported by MCUez for compatibility with MASM.
Table A-2. Directives
Operator Notation Description
RMB DS Defines storage for a variable
ELSEC ELSE Alternate of conditional block
ENDC ENDIF End of conditional block
NOL NOLIST Specifies that all subsequent instructions must not be inserted in the
listing file
TTL TITLE Defines the user-defined title for the assembler listing file
GLOBAL XDEF Makes a symbol public (visible from outside)
PUBLIC XDEF Makes a symbol public (visible from outside)
EXTERNAL XREF Imports reference to an external symbol
XREFB XREF.B Imports reference to an external symbol located on the direct page
SWITCH — Allows switching to a section that has been previously defined
ASCT ASCT: SECTION Creates a predefined section with name id ASCT
SHORT Creates a predefined section with name id BSCT. Variables defined
in this section are accessed using the direct addressing mode.
CSCT CSCT: SECTION Creates a predefined section with name id CSCT
DSCT DSCT: SECTION Creates a predefined section with name id DSCT
IDSCT IDSCT: SECTION Creates a predefined section with name id IDSCT
IPSCT IPSCT: SECTION Creates a predefined section with name id IPSCT
PSCT PSCT: SECTION Creates a predefined section with name id PSCT