User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
316 MCUasm Compatibility MOTOROLA
MCUasm CompatibilityB.4 Set Directive
When MCUasm compatibility mode is activated, relocatable expressions are
allowed in a SET directive.
label: SET *
If MCUasm compatibility mode is not activated, the SET label refers to absolute
B.5 Obsolete Directives
Table B-1 lists directives that are not recognized if MCUasm compatibility
mode is activated.
Table B-1. Obsolete Directives
Operator Notation Description
RMB DS Defines storage for a variable
NOL NOLIST All subsequent instructions will not be inserted
in the listing file.
TTL TITLE Defines title for assembler listing file
GLOBAL XDEF Makes a symbol public (visible from outside)
PUBLIC XDEF Makes a symbol public (visible from outside)
EXTERNAL XREF Imports reference to an external symbol