User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
38 Graphical User Interface MOTOROLA
Graphical User Interface
2.3 Starting the Motorola AssemblerStart the assembler from the MCUez Shell by clicking on the ezASM icon in
the toolbar.
When the assembler is started, a standard Tip of the Day window, containing
tips about the assembler, is displayed.
Figure 2-1. Tip of the Day Window
Click Next Tip to see the next piece of information about the assembler. Click
Close to close the Tip of the Day dialog.
To bypass the standard Tip of the Day window when the assembler is started,
uncheck Show Tips on StartUp.
To re-enable the tips window, choose the Help|Tip of the Day ... menu option.
The Tip of the Day dialog will open. Then select Show Tips on StartUp.