User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
4.3.1 Source Files
The macro assembler takes any file as input and does not require the filename
to have a special extension. However, it is suggested that all source filenames
have the extension .asm and all included files have the extension .inc. Source
files will be searched first in the project directory and then in the GENPATH
4.3.2 Include Files
The search for include files is governed by the environment variable GENPATH.
Include files are searched first in the project directory, then in the directories
specified in the environment variable GENPATH. The project directory is set
from the MCUez Shell or the environment variable DEFAULTDIR.
4.4 Output Files
The following sections describe six types of output files:
1. Object files
2. Absolute files
3. Motorola S files
4. Listing files
5. Debug listing files
6. Error listing files
4.4.1 Object Files
After a successful assembly session, the macro assembler generates an object
file containing the target code as well as some debugging information. This file
is written to the directory given in the environment variable OBJPATH. If that
variable contains more than one path, the object file is written to the first
directory given. If this variable is not set, the object file is written to the
directory where the source file was found. Object files always get the
extension .o.