Assembler Syntax
Source Line
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Syntax 141 Indexed, Post-IncrementThis addressing mode allows the user to increment the base register by a
specified value after indexing takes place. The content of the base register is
read and then incremented by the specified value.
The valid range for a pre-increment value is [1...8]. The base index register may
be X, Y, or SP.
ORG $1000
CST_TBL: DC.B $5, $10, $18, $20, $28, $30
main: CLRA
loop: ADDD 1,X+
BNE loop
Base register X is loaded with the address of the table CST_TBL ($1000).
The value at address $1000 ($5) is added to register D and then register X is
incremented by 1 (its value is $1001).
Register X is not equal to the address of END_TBL, so the value at address
$1001 ($10) is added to register D and then register X is incremented by 1 (its
value is $1002).
This loop is repeated as long as register X did not reach the end of the table
END_TBL ($1006).