Assembler Options
Assembler Options
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Options 81
5.4.1 -CI
-CI: Set case sensitivity for label names OFF
Group: INPUT
Scope: Assembly unit
Syntax: -CI
Arguments: None
Default: ON
Description: Switches case sensitivity OFF for label names. When this
option is activated, the assembler ignores case sensitivity for
label names.
This option can be only specified when the assembler generates
an absolute file. (Option -FA2 must be activated.)
Example: When case sensitivity for label names is switched off, the
assembler will not generate error messages for this code:
ORG $200
entry: NOP
BRA Entry
The instruction BRA Entry will branch on the label entry.
By default, the assembler is case sensitivefor label names. The
labels Entry and entry are two distinct labels.
See also: None