User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
94 Assembler Options MOTOROLA
Assembler Options
5.4.10 -Ms -Mb
-M: Memory model
Group: CODE
Scope: Application
Syntax: -M (s | b)
Arguments: s: Small memory model
b: Banked memory model
Default: -Ms
Description: The assembler for the MC68HC12 supports two different
memory models. Default is the small memory model, which
corresponds to the normal setup, for example, a 64-Kbyte
code-address space. If a code memory expansion scheme is
used, the banked memory model may be changed.
Memory models should be observed when mixing ANSI C and
assembler files. For compatibility reasons, the memory model
used by the differentfiles must be the same. Additionally, when
assembling in the small memory model, the linker will check if
all variables or code sections are located on the first page
between 0 and FFFF.
See also: None