User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
194 Assembler Directives MOTOROLA
Assembler Directives
8.29 OFFSET — Create Absolute SymbolsSyntax: OFFSET <expression>
Description: The OFFSET directive declares an offset section and initializes
the location counter to the valuespecified in <expression>. The
<expression> must be absolute and may not contain references
to external, undefined, or forward defined labels.
The OFFSET section is useful to simulate data structure or a
stack frame.
Example: The following example shows how OFFSET can be used to
access elements of a structure.
6 6 OFFSET 0
7 7 000000 ID: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 COUNT: DS.W 1
9 9 000003 VALUE: DS.L 1
10 10 0000 0007 SIZE: EQU *
11 11
12 12 DataSec:SECTION
13 13 000000 Struct: DS.B SIZE
14 14
15 15 CodeSec:SECTION
16 16 entry:
17 17 000003 CE xxxx LDX #Struct
18 18 000006 8600 LDAA #0
19 19 000008 6A00 STAA ID, X
20 20 00000A 6201 INC COUNT, X
21 21 00000C 42 INCA
22 22 00000D 6A03 STAA VALUE, X
As soon as a statement affecting the location counter (other
than EVEN,LONGEVEN,ALIGN, or DS) is encountered after
the OFFSET directive, the offset section is ended. The
preceding section is activatedagain, and the location counter is
restored to the next available location in this section.