User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
126 Assembler Syntax MOTOROLA
Assembler Syntax
MINA Get minimum of 2 unsigned bytes in accumulator A
MINM Get minimum of 2 unsigned bytes in memory
MOVB Memory to memory byte move
MOVW Memory to memory word move
MUL 8 * 8 bit unsigned multiplication
NEG 2’s complement in memory
NEGA 2’s complement accumulator A
NEGB 2’s complement accumulator B
NOP No operation
ORAA Logical OR with accumulator A
ORAB Logical OR with accumulator B
ORCC Logical OR with CCR
PSHA Push register A
PSHB Push register B
PSHC Push register CCR
PSHD Push register D
PSHX Push register X
PSHY Push register Y
PULA Pop register A
PULB Pop register B
PULC Pop register CCR
PULD Pop register D
PULX Pop register X
PULY Pop register Y
REV MIN-MAX rule evaluation for 8-bit values
REVW MIN-MAX rule evaluation for 16-bit values
ROL Rotate memory left
ROLA Rotate accumulator A left
Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 6 of 8)Instruction Description