User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
58 Environment Variables MOTOROLA
Environment Variables
3.5 Environment Variables Description
The remainder of this section describes each of the environment variables
available for the assembler. The information in Table 3-1 describes the
structure for explaining each environment variable.
Table 3-1. Environment Variables
Topic Description
Syntax Specifies the syntax of the option in EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur
Form) format
Arguments Describes and lists optional and required arguments for the variable
Default Shows the default setting for the variable, if applicable
Description Provides a detailed description of the environment variable and how
to use it
Example Gives an example of usage and effects of the variable where
Tools Lists tools that use this variable, if applicable
Shell Explains how the environment variable can be initialized
in the MCUez Shell
See also Lists related sections, if applicable