User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
282 Assembler Messages MOTOROLA
Assembler Messages
12.3.42 A2336: Value too Big
Type: Warning
Description: The absolute expression specified as the initialization value for
a block, defined using DCB, is too big. This message is
generated when the initial value specified in a DCB.B directive
cannot be coded on a byte. In this case, the value used to
initialize the constant block will be truncated to a byte value.
constSec: SECTION
label1: DCB.B 2, 312
In the previous example, the constant block is initialized with
the value $38 (= 312 and $FF).
Tip: To avoidthis warning, modify the initialization value to a byte
constSec: SECTION
label1: DCB.B 2, 56