User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
52 Graphical User Interface MOTOROLA
Graphical User Interface
Available options are arranged in different groups as shown in Table 2-3.
An assembly option is set when the corresponding check box is checked. To
obtain more information about a specific option, select the option and press the
F1 key or the Help button. To select an option, click once on the option text.
Options that require additional parameters will display an edit box or an
additional subwindow where additional parameters can be set.
Assembler options specified in the project file (using the MCUez Shell) are
automatically displayed in the Option Settings dialog box.
2.4.8 Specifying the Input File
The input file to be assembled can be specified in several ways. During the
assembly session, options will be set according to the configuration provided by
the user in the Option Settings dialog box. Before assembling a file, make sure
a project directory is associated with the assembler.
Table 2-3. Advanced Options
Option Group Description
Output Lists options related to the output files generated
(type of files to be generated)
Input Lists options related to the input file
Host Lists options related to the host
Generation Lists options related to code generation
(memory models, ...)
Messages Lists options controlling the generation of error messages