User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
128 Assembler Syntax MOTOROLA
Assembler Syntax Directives
Assembler directives are described in Section 8. Assembler Directives. Macro Name
A user-defined macro can be invoked in the assembler source program. This
results in expansion of the code defined in the macro. Defining and using
macros are described in Section 9. Macros.
TBEQ Test counter and branch if null
TBL 8-bit table lookup and interpolate
TBNE Test counter and branch if not null
TFR Transfer register to register
TPA Transfer CCR to A
TRAP Software interrupt
TST Test memory for 0 or minus
TSTA Test accumulator A for 0 or minus
TSTB Test accumulator B for 0 or minus
TSX Transfer SP to X
TSY Transfer SP to Y
TXS Transfer X to SP
TYS Transfer Y to SP
WAI Wait for interrupt
WAV Weighted average calculation
XGDX Exchange D with X
XGDY Exchange D with Y
Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 8 of 8)
Instruction Description