User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
54 Graphical User Interface MOTOROLA
Graphical User Interface
>> in “C:\DEMO\fiboerr.asm”, line 76, col 20, pos 1932
BRA label
ERROR A1104: Undeclared user defined symbol: label
Errors can be corrected by using the editor defined during configuration. Editors
such as WinEdit Version 95 (or higher) or Codewright from Premia
Corporation can be started with a line number in the command line. If
configured correctly, these editors are activated automatically by double
clicking on an error message. The editor will open the file containing the error
and position the cursor on the line with the error.
Editors like WinEdit Version 31 or lower, Notepad, or Wordpad cannot be
started with a line number. These editors can be activated automatically by
double clicking on a message. The editor will open the file containing the error.
To locate the error, use the find or search feature of the editor. In the assembler
content area, select the line containing the message class, number, and string
and press CTRL+C to copy the message. Paste the message in the Find dialog
box of the editor to search for the error.