Assembler Syntax
Source Line
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Syntax 125
LBMI Long branch if minus
LBNE Long branch if not equal
LBPL Long branch if plus
LBRA Long branch always
LBRN Long branch never
LBSR Long branch subroutine
LBVC Long branch if overflow is clear
LBVS Long branch if overflow is set
LDAA Load accumulator A
LDAB Load accumulator B
LDD Load accumulator D
LDS Load register SP
LDX Load index register X
LDY Load index register Y
LEAS Load SP with effective address
LEAX Load X with effective address
LEAY Load Y with effective address
LSL Logical shift left in memory
LSLA Logical shift left accumulator A
LSLB Logical shift left accumulator B
LSLD Logical shift left accumulator D
LSR Logical shift left in memory
LSRA Logical shift right accumulator A
LSRB Logical shift right accumulator B
LSRD Logical shift right accumulator D
MAXA Get maximum of 2 unsigned bytes in accumulator A
MAXM Get maximum of 2 unsigned bytes in memory
MEM Membership function
Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 5 of 8)Instruction Description