Assembler Syntax
Source Line
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Syntax 127
ROLB Rotate accumulator B left
ROR Rotate memor y right
RORA Rotate accumulator A right
RORB Rotate accumulator B right
RTC Return from CALL
RTI Retur n from interrupt
RTS Return from subroutine
SBA Subtract accumulator A and B
SBCA Subtract with carry from accumulator A
SBCB Subtract with carry from accumulator B
SEC Set carry bit
SEI Set interr upt bit
SEV Set two’s complement overflow bit
SEX Sign extend into 16-bit register
STAA Store accumulator A
STAB Store accumulator B
STD Store accumulator D
STS Store register SP
STX Store register X
STY Store register Y
SUBA Subtract without carry from accumulator A
SUBB Subtract without carry from accumulator B
SUBD Subtract without carr y from accumulator D
SWI Software interrupt
TAB Transfer A to B
TAP Transfer A to CCR
TBA Transfer B to A
Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 7 of 8)Instruction Description