User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
178 Assembler Directives MOTOROLA
Assembler Directives
8.15 EVEN — Force Word AlignmentSyntax: EVEN
Description: This directive forces the next instruction to the next even
address relative to the start of the section. EVEN is an
abbreviation for ALIGN 2. Some processors require wordand
longword operations to begin at even address boundaries. In
such cases, the use of the EVEN directive ensures correct
alignment. Omission of the directive can result in an error
6 6 000000 ds.w 2
; location count has an even value, no padding
; inserted.
7 7 even
8 8 000004 ds.b 1
; location count has an odd value, one padding byte
; inserted.
9 9 000005 00 even
10 10 000006 ds.b 3
; location count has an odd value, one padding byte
; inserted.
12 12 0000 000A aaa: equ 10