User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
124 Assembler Syntax MOTOROLA
Assembler Syntax
EORA Logical XOR with accumulator A
EORB Logical XOR with accumulator B
ETBL 16-bit table lookup and interpolate
EXG Exchange register content
FDIV 16-bit / 16-bit fractional divide
IBEQ Increment counter and branch if null
IBNE Increment counter and branch if not null
IDIV 16-bit / 16-bit integer division (unsigned)
IDIVS 16-bit / 16-bit integer division (signed)
INC Increment memory location
INCA Increment accumulator A
INCB Increment accumulator B
INS Increment register SP
INX Increment register X
INY Increment register Y
JMP Jump to label
JSR Jump to subroutine
LBCC Long branch if carry is clear
LBCS Long branch if carry is set
LBEQ Long branch if equal
LBGE Long branch if greater than or equal
LBGT Long branch if greater than
LBHI Long branch if higher
LBHS Long branch if higher or same
LBLE Long branch if less than or equal
LBLO Long branch if lower (same as BCS)
LBLS Long branch if lower or same
LBLT Long branch if less than
Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 4 of 8)Instruction Description