Assembler Directives
EQU — Equate Symbol Value
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Directives 177
8.14 EQU — Equate Symbol Value
Syntax: <label>: EQU <expression>
Description: The EQU directive assigns the value of the <expression> in the
operand field to <label>. The <label> and <expression> fields
are both required, and the <label> cannot be defined anywhere
else in the program. The <expression>cannot include a symbol
that is undefined or not yet defined.
The EQU directive does not allow forward references.
0000 0014 MaxElement: EQU 20
0000 0050 MaxSize: EQU MaxElement * 4
000000 Time: DS.W 3
0000 0000 Hour: EQU Time ; first word addr
0000 0002 Minute: EQU Time+2; second word addr
0000 0004 Second: EQU Time+4; third word addr