General Information
Getting Started
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA General Information 33
The list file generated by the macro assembler looks like this:
Motorola HC12-Assembler
Abs. Rel. Loc. Obj. code Source line
---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF entry
4 4 0000 0AFE initStk: EQU $AFE ; SP Init
; value
5 5 dataSec: SECTION ;
6 6 000000 0005 var1: DC.W 5 ; Assign 5 to
; var1
8 codeSec: SECTION ;
9 9 entry:
10 10 000000 CF 0AFE LDS #initStk ; Load stack
11 11 000003 FC xxxx LDD var1
12 12 000006 20F8 BRA entry
1.4.4 Linking an Application
Once the object file is available, the application can be linked. The linker will
organize code and data sections according to the linker parameter file. Follow
this procedure to link an application:
1. Start the editor and create the linker parameter file. Copy the file fibo.prm
to test.prm.
2. In the file test.prm, change the name of the executable and object files to
3. Additionally, modify the start and end addresses for the ROM and RAM
memory areas.
The test.prm module appears like this:
LINK test.abs /* Name of the executable file generated.*/
NAMES test.o END /*Name of the object files in the application*/
MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x800 TO 0x8FF; /*READ_ONLY memory area */
MY_RAM = READ_WRITE 0xB00 TO 0xBFF; /*READ_WRITE memory area */
.data INTO MY_RAM; /* Variables should be allocated in MY_RAM */
.text INTO MY_ROM; /* Code should be allocated in MY_ROM */
INIT entry /* entry is the entry point to the application */
VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFFE entry /* Initialization for Reset vector */