Assembler Directives
DS — Define Space
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Directives 173
8.9 DS — Define Space
Syntax: [<label>:] DS [.<size>] <count>
<size> = B (default), W, or L
The DS directive is used to reserve memory for variables.The
content of the reserved memory is not initialized. The length of
the block is <size> * <count>.
<count> may not contain undefined, forward, or external
references. It may range from 1 to 4096.
Counter: DS.B 2 ; 2 contiguous bytes in memory
DS.B 2 ; 2 contiguous bytes in memory
; can only be accessed through the
; label Counter
DS.L 5 ; 5 contiguous longwords in memory
The label, Counter, references the lowest address of the
defined storage area.