User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
256 Assembler Messages MOTOROLA
Assembler Messages
12.3.11 A2301: Label is Missing
Type: Error
Description: A label is missing at the front of an assembly directive
requiring a label: SECTION, EQU, and SET.
Example: SECTION 4
EQU $67
SET $77
Tip: Insert a label in front of the directive.
Example: codeSec: SECTION 4
myConst: EQU $67
mySetV: SET $77
12.3.12 A2302: Macro Name is Missing
Type: Error
Description: A label name is missing in front of a MACRO directive.
Example: MACRO
LDD \1
ADD \2
STD \1
Tip: Insert a label in front of the MACRO directive.
Example: AddM: MACRO
LDD \1
ADD \2
STD \1