Assembler Directives
MACRO — Begin Macro Definition
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Directives 189
8.23 MACRO — Begin Macro Definition
Syntax: <label>: MACRO
Description: The <label> of the MACRO directive is the name by which the
macro is called. This name must not be a processor machine
instruction or assembler directive name. For more information
on macros, refer to Section 9. Macros.
5 5 cpChar: MACRO; start macro definition
6 6 LDD \1
7 7 STD \2
8 8 ENDM ; end of macro definition
9 9 codeSec: SECTION
10 10 Start:
11 11 cpChar char1, char2
12 6m 000000 FC xxxx + LDD char1
13 7m 000003 7C xxxx + STD char2
14 12 000006 A7 NOP
15 13 000007 A7 NOP