Assembler Syntax
Source Line
MCUez HC12 Assembler User’s Manual
MOTOROLA Assembler Syntax 121 Instructions

Executable instructions for the M68HC12 processor are defined in the CPU

Reference Manual, Motorola document order number CPU12RM/AD.

Table 7-1 presents a summary of available executable instructions.

Table 7-1. Executable Instructions (Sheet 1 of 8)

Instruction Description
ABA Add accumulator A and B
ABX Add accumulator B and register X
ABY Add accumulator B and register Y
ADCA Add with carr y to accumulator A
ADCB Add with carr y to accumulator B
ADDA Add without carr y to accumulator A
ADDB Add without carr y to accumulator B
ADDD Add without carry to accumulator D
ANDA Logical AND with accumulator A
ANDB Logical AND with accumulator B
ANDCC Logical AND with CCR
ASL Arithmetic shift left in memory
ASLA Arithmetic shift left accumulator A
ASLB Arithmetic shift left accumulator B
ASLD Arithmetic shift left accumulator D
ASR Arithmetic shift left in memory
ASRA Arithmetic shift right accumulator A
ASRB Arithmetic shift right accumulator B
BCC Branch if carry clear
BCLR Clear bits in memory
BCS Branch if carry set (same as BLO)
BEQ Branch if equal
BGE Branch if greater than or equal