User’s Manual MCUez HC12 Assembler
78 Assembler Options MOTOROLA
Assembler Options
5.2 IntroductionThe assembler offers a number of options that control how the assembler
operates. Options consist of a dash (-) followed by one or more letters or digits.
Anything not starting with a dash is assumed to be the name of a source file to
be assembled. Assembler options may be specified on the command line or in
the ASMOPTIONS environment variable. Typically, each assembler option is
specified only once per assembly session.
Arguments for an option must not exceed 128 characters.
Command line options are not case sensitive. –Li is the same as –li. For
options that belong to the same group, for example –Lcand–Li, the assembler
allows options to be combined, for example, –Lci or –Lic instead of –Lc
It is not possible to combine options in different groups, for instance,
–Lc –W1
cannot be abbreviated by the terms
5.3 ASMOPTIONSIf this environment variable is set, the assembler appends the values (options)
defined for this variable to its command line each time a file is assembled. It can
be used to globally specify certain options that should always be set, so the user
doesn’t have to specify them each time a file is assembled.