MCECC Functions

Programming Model

This section defines the programming model for the control and status registers (CSRs) in the MCECC sector. The base address of the CSRs is hard-coded to the address $FFF43000 for the MCECC sector on the first mezzanine board and to $FFF43100 for the MCECC sector on the second mezzanine board.

Note that several bits in the register map have changed in functionality from the MCECC ASIC pair. In most cases these bits were defined to be nonoperational in the MCECC model, but were also defined as to their original intent. This specification entirely omits those bit definitions.

The possible operations for each bit in the CSR are as follows:

RThe bit is a read-only status bit.

R/W The bit is readable and writable.

R/C This status bit is cleared by writing a 1 to it.

CWriting a 0 to the bit clears it or another bit. This bit reads zero.

SWriting a 1 to the bit sets it or another bit. This bit reads 0.

The possible states of the bits after local, software, and power-up reset are as defined below.

PThe bit is affected by power-up reset.

LThe bit is affected by local reset.

SThe bit is affected by software reset. (Writing $0F to the Chip ID register)

XThe bit is not affected by reset.

VThe effect of reset on this bit is variable.


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Motorola MVME1X7P manual Programming Model