Default Settings
Note: The bug does not automatically acquire all of the memory it is allowed. It accumulates memory as necessary in one megabyte blocks.
Field Service Menu Enable [Y/N] = N?
YDisplay the field service menu.
NDo not display the field service menu. (Default)
Remote Start Method Switch [G/M/B/N] = B?
The Remote Start Method Switch is used when the MVME5100 is cross- loaded from another
GUse the Global Control and Status Register to pass and start execution of the
MUse the Multiprocessor Control Register (MPCR) in shared RAM to pass and start execution of the cross- loaded program.
BUse both the GCSR and the MPCR methods to pass and start execution of the
NDo not use any Remote Start Method.
Probe System for Supported I/O Controllers [Y/N] = Y?
YAccesses will be made to the appropriate system buses (for example, VMEbus, local MPU bus) to determine the presence of supported controllers. (Default)
NAccesses will not be made to the VMEbus to determine the presence of supported controllers. |