1.PS Roaming and Hand-over services cannot be activated in the network. To execute Roaming service, the Q.931a line should be connected exclusively.
2.The OAI/ACD service in the network is executed on the same condition in the normal CCIS network.
3.ISDN transmitting information (16-digit caller number service. Attribute information notification service (BC, LLC, HLC) and Calling sub-address transfer service) assigned by ARTD, CDN98: CI = 1 can be transmitted for the IPX to IPX connection only.
4.Broad Band (N ⋅ 64kbps tranfer rate) is available for the IPX to IPX connection only.
5.ATTENDANT CONSOLE [A-3] (see Feature Programming Manual) service is available only if the atten- dant console in the IPX is used.